Berman, Bill

Bill Berman

Bill Berman

Bill Berman is a seasoned business psychologist with more than 30 years experience as an executive coach, senior line manager, clinician and academic.  He has been assessing individuals and groups since 1983, has delivered organizational consulting and executive coaching since 1993, and has consulted CEOs, C-suite leaders, and general/functional managers since returning to full-time consulting in 2004.  Bill advises executives and their teams from multiple industries, including financial services, pharmaceuticals, consumer products, information services, technology, and manufacturing companies.  He has helped leaders improve their strategic focus and interpersonal impact, and helped teams build alignment and execute strategic plans efficiently and effectively. He also helps organizations develop their high-potential leaders, and select the best candidates for new roles.

Prior to forming Berman Leadership Development in 2004, Bill started his own software and services company in 1994 to track healthcare outcomes, which he grew and subsequently sold to The Echo Group, an enterprise healthcare information system company.  He served on Echo's executive management team as the head of professional services, expanding the function to generate 25% of annual corporate revenues through consulting, implementation, training, and support functions.  Bill’s early career included clinical and executive consulting work, teaching and research at Cornell University Medical College, and full time academic research and teaching at Fordham University, where he received tenure in 1994. 

Bill received his B.A. from Harvard College, and his Ph.D. from Yale University.  He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association (Divisions 12 and 13), board certified by the American College of Professional Psychology, and former President, Society of Consulting Psychology.  He has published 3 books and more than 50 articles on a variety of subjects on coaching, leadership development, personality, and healthcare performance measurement. His more recent book is, “Influence and Impact: Discover and Excel at What your Organization Needs from You the Most,” published by Wiley.

IOC Resources by Bill Berman