Black Women in the Field of Coaching

February 14, 2025 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

This discussion group is designed to offer coaches who identify as black women an opportunity to feel open and vulnerable in sharing experiences and challenges among a community of coaches with the collective intention to support one another. This group serves as a safe space for black women coaches across the globe and at all levels of experience to explore challenges, wins, and strategies for growth as they relate to the unique intersectional journey of being a black woman in this profession.

The webinar, The Impact of Black Women in Coaching, received an enthusiastic response and we don't want this dialogue to stop there.

The conversation will be led by Pamela Larde, our Director of Education, who is among a group of industry leaders who, in 2024, joined together to form our Race Equity and Inclusion (REI) Council to tackle systemic racism in the global coaching community.

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Meet Our Host

Photo of Pamela Larde

Dr. Pamela Larde, a professor, coach, author, and business owner, is committed to engaging in the work of advancing the reach and commitment of the coaching profession to serve and build up heart-centered leaders around the world.