Coaching in Healthcare

February 25, 2025 - 5:00pm to 6:15pm

This is a group for those coaching healthcare professionals. It’s a place for networking, group learning, and support. Every month we focus on a relevant topic and/or engage in skill drills. Our goal is to grow together and improve our skills so that we can best serve the healthcare community.

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Meet Our Co-Hosts

Les Schwab, MD is a primary care physician with 40 years of experience in medical practice and healthcare organizational leadership. He earned a B.A. in Biology from Harvard University and an MD from Stanford University. He received his Internal Medicine training through residency at the Cambridge Hospital in Cambridge, MA

Dr. Gazelle is a former hospice physician, part-time Harvard Medical School Assistant Professor, and Master Certified Coach for physicians. She has coached over 600 physicians and physician leaders on leadership development, communication, teamwork, managing burnout, building charting efficiency, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence.