Coaching in Higher Education

February 26, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Higher education is perhaps of the most complex, matrixed, and misunderstood of all businesses sectors. From shared governance, to tenure, to student needs, to faculty recruitment and retention, to housing, athletics, town-gown relationships, board interference, leading academics versus administration, fundraising, sponsored research – the list of unique higher education components is relentless. Higher education also remains on the front lines of the political, socio-economic, racial, COVID-19, mental-health, research, and education battles. This group will unpack and explore the myriad of opportunities and challenges of the higher education space and how to effectively coach within it, whether it be with university leaders, administrators, boards, faculty, staff, or students.

The conversation will be led by Fellow, Rob Kramer.

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Meet Our Host

Rob Kramer has provided executive coaching, consulting and business training for a variety of sectors, specializing in academic leadership and team development. He has served for twenty years in academia, most recently as the founding director of the Center for Leadership & Organizational Excellence at NC A&T State University. Prior to that he was the director of Training & Organizational Development at the University of North Carolina, where he oversaw management, supervisory and leadership development for the University's 12,000 faculty and staff. Rob continues working in faculty leadership development at UNC Chapel Hill’s Institute for the Arts and Humanities, where he co-facilitates two programs: the Chairs Leadership Program and the Academic Leadership Program.