UN has declared the 2020s as the determining decade for action to reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals agreed by all countries’ leaders in 2015. It is more and more obvious that this necessary success is more than anything else determined by human determination, capabilities and well-being. While this recognition is critical, we are far from where we need to be on action for sustainable development so far. The key lever of important individual and collective qualities, abilities and skills suffers significantly from a wide research-to- implementation gap. Inner Development Goals is a global NGO that focus on bridging this knowing-to-doing gap, in particular focusing on the willingness and ableness of leaders in and between all sectors to drive transformation. Four years after being initiated, this initiative has now grown into a global ecosystem that engages people across 100+ countries including many leaders in organisations in business, public sector, civil society and global institutions in UN, OECD. The Inner Development Goals Foundation will soon be launched between key organisations and networks such as World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Stockholm Resilience Center, Harvard Flourishing Program, IMD, LUCSUS.
The session will present our learning so far and engage in a discussion with session participants from Asia and elsewhere about which individual and collective qualities, abilities and skills participants have experienced to matter most for sustainable development and what is necessary for these to be strengthened in everyday environments across the globe.
Key Takeaways for Participants:
- Inner Development is one key lever to drive transformation towards sustainable development impact
- Building Inner Development is a critical responsibility for all actors and sectors
- Inner Development can be described as a set of individual and collective qualities, abilities and skills that are both shared among humans across the globe and specific to country and sector context
- Inner Development Goals is a global learning ecosystem that you can join and add your learning and experience to as an experienced coach
Continuing Education Credits:
This webinar is approved for 1 CEU from The International Coaching Federation (ICF) (.5 Core Competency & .5 Resource Development), the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC course # CEA-000495-5), EMCC Global, Association for Coaching and Wellcoaches.
In order to receive credit you must attend live and complete a survey after the webinar (emailed the day after the webinar).
Watching a recording will not qualify you for CEUs.