REDI for Coaching: A discussion on how to integrate and promote Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Coaching

February 11, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Join us as we explore the vital intersection of coaching with the principles of Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI). Together, we will foster a supportive and collaborative space to learn, share experiences, and cultivate strategies that empower coaches to champion diversity and inclusivity in their practices and promote positive change within the coaching profession.

The conversation will be led by members of the IOC's Race, Equity & Inclusion Council.

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Meet Our Co-Hosts

Photo of Pamela Larde

Dr. Pamela Larde, a professor, coach, author, and business owner, is committed to engaging in the work of advancing the reach and commitment of the coaching profession to serve and build up heart-centered leaders around the world.

Emily Blumkin

Emily Terrani, the Sponsor & Fellow Outreach Manager for the Institute of Coaching, is a graduate of Cornell University with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and minor in Health Policy Analysis Management. Her greatest passion is to help empower others to improve their mental, emotional, social, physical and professional well-being. This passion, along with Emily’s ability to empathize with others, appreciate different perspectives, and understand situations holistically, has driven her to dedicate her academic and professional endeavors towards supporting others