Spirituality in Coaching & Leadership

July 31, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

During this group we will discuss the role of emotional and spiritual intelligence in our mental health, wellbeing and soul beings as individuals and the team and a public health interest.

This huddle explores data, researches and random guest speakers of the field to identify the importance of emotional and spiritual health and intelligence in coaching and leadership as part of a collective and holistic approach.

This group will discover how EQ and SQ are interconnected with our mind, body and spirits' wellness and how they apply themselves in healing personal and population wide traumas and moral injuries.  Finally it identifies "Why" the emotional and spiritual intelligence & well-being are important to a human centered leadership and in our personal and coaching relationships.

Special Guest: Cami Smalley - Professional Well-Being and Resilience Coach
Cami is a professional Health and Wellness Coach, speaker, and author of an Amazon Best-Seller book, Mindful Pause: A Self-Care Guide to Resilience and Well-Being. Her work draws from advanced degrees in both Physical Education and Holistic Health Studies. She is specializes in holistic wellness, positive psychology coaching and resilience strategy including mindfulness, imagery yoga and meditation. As a certified heart math trainer she uses heart-rhythm feedback to support and train self-regulation skills. www.guidedresilience.com

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Meet Our Host

Dr. Keyaunoosh Kassauei MD is an international medical graduate (IMG). She continued her medical education with a post-doctoral research fellowship at JHU/SOM (The Johns Hopkins Hospital, School of Medicine) in the United States. Her respected work during her pathology fellowship at Hopkins in the study of mitochondrial DNA mutations in pancreatic cancer patients has led to several publications in prominent journals of medicine like Nature.