The Institute of Coaching is launching a
research consortium focused on
human-centered leadership and coaching.
With AceUp as the founding consortium member, the human-centered leadership research consortium is bringing together experts, researchers,
scholars, thought-leaders, and leadership coaches to define, measure, and implement human-centered leadership – the science-based components
that together generate human empowerment, growth, and thriving. Human-centered leadership and coaching will help define excellence in the future of work.

The way forward at IOC is building a research consortium and a multi-year research program to study, define, measure, and operationalize Human-Centered Leadership & Coaching. We will move the ideas - to a well-defined construct – to evidence-based measurement and implementation.

Together we are establishing the scientific backbone for Human-Centered Leadership & Coaching, creating a world where we stop consuming well-being to grow wealth, and we grow wealth and well-being together.
Human-centered coaches develop human-centered leaders, who create human-centered organizations traveling an upward spiral of individual, team, organization, global systemic growth, well-being, and sustainability.

Leading with Humanity
The Future of Leadership and Coaching, is an IOC report on a qualitative study of the impact of pandemic-era disruptions on organizations, leaders, leadership, and leadership coaching. The report captures the experiences of the executives transcribed and coded from the interviews, which were then contextualized with relevant theoretical and empirical literature.

We are grateful to AceUp for co-founding the consortium and for their generous donation. AceUp is a leading provider of human-centered leadership development solutions and it's their mission to help people-first, purpose-driven organizations drive collective leadership transformation in the new world of work.

Research Approach
Building on IOC’s excellence in coaching research and translation into best coaching practice, we are convening key stakeholder groups to shape both the research agenda and the constructs that define human-centered leadership.
Through a rich series of conversations, a research agenda will emerge that is both steeped in the literature and grounded in practice.
The theme of Human Centered Leadership is emerging, in part energized by the IOC’s 2021 pandemic study and report titled Leading with Humanity: The Future of Leadership and Coaching.
Human-Centered Leadership has the potential to transform leadership and organizations so they generate rather than consume human well-being. Recent Harvard Business School Dean Nitin Nohria wrote in HBR magazine Today workers up and down the socioeconomic ladder are reexamining their commitment to employers and the fairness of the existing bargain between capital and labor.
IOC Discoveries
Human Centered Leadership:
- Expand consciousness
- Cultivate relationships
- Support well-being
- Integrate diversity
- Build agile cultures