Positive Psychology

It’s good to do good and receive good: The impact of a ‘pay it forward’ style kindness intervention on giver and receiver well-being

Despite the popularity of the ‘pay it forward’ (PIF) concept in textbooks and popular culture, to date, no study has tested the effectiveness of a brief, one-time PIF activity on the well-being of those who do good and those who receive good. To test this, 83 undergraduates (‘givers’) performed random kind acts for 1.5 h....

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Integrating psychological and cultural perspectives on virtue: The hierarchical structure of character strengths

The VIA Classification characterizes six culturally defined virtues as latent variables underlying 24 character strengths. Factor analyses of measures based on the Classification usually suggest 4–5 factors that do not correspond well to traditional lists of virtues....

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A case study of ‘The Good School’: Examples of the use of Peterson’s strengths-based approach with students

This applied case study centers on two aspects of Peterson’s research as introduced into a large K-12 school in Australia: (i) creating enabling institutions and (ii) applications of character strengths. The paper describes five character strengths initiatives....

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Through the lens of strength: A framework for educating the heart

The work of Chris Peterson and his colleagues provides a context and rationale for creating a new paradigm for character education....

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Positive psychotherapy: A strength-based approach

Positive psychotherapy (PPT) is a therapeutic approach broadly based on the principles of positive psychology....

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In memory of Chris Peterson: Introduction to special issue

Editorial In memory of Chris Peterson: Introduction to special issue


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Podcast: Creating Resilient Mindsets and Motivating Environments with Robert Brooks PhD

In this Podcast, Dr. Robert Brooks addresses intrinsic motivation, the concept of mindsets, "resilient" mindsets, and how to reinforce resilient mindsets all in the context of coaching. 

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Podcast: VIA Character Strengths with Ryan Niemiec: Improving Well-being, Mindfulness, Leadership, and Teamwork,

IOC Founder Carol Kauffman interviews Ryan Niemiec, one of the leaders of the Positive Psychology movement.  He is the developer of the VIA Character Strengths and discusses them in action: Improving Well-being, Mindfulness, Leadership, and Teamwork .

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Positive Psychology: Harnessing the power of happiness, mindfulness, and inner strength (Harvard Medical School Special, Health Report Book 4)

Positive emotions have been linked with better health, longer life, and greater well-being in numerous scientific studies. On the other hand, chronic anger, worry, and hostility increase the risk of developing heart disease, as people react to these feelings with raised blood pressure and stiffening of blood vessels....

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2014 Video interview with Steve Hayes, PhD on his model, ACT, and empowering individuals

Steve Hayes, PhD discusses his Acceptance and Commitment Training and its contribution to emotional agility.

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