Positive Psychology

What You Need in a Crisis: Psychological Capital

Navigating a sudden, deep and widespread crisis, like a global pandemic, requires a level of calm fortitude and resilience that is not called forth every day, rarely in most lifetimes....

Invest in Psychological Capital

While investment in psychological capital is not necessarily a direct coaching focus, the coaching process by its nature invests in psychological capital. The rich return on the investment arrives in the form of new resources to support a coachee’s present and future agenda for change.

Psychological Capital: An Evidence-Based Positive Approach

The now recognized core construct of psychological capital, or simply PsyCap, draws from positive psychology in general and positive organizational behavior (POB) in particular. The first-order positive psychological resources that make up PsyCap include hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism, or the HERO within....

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Coaches as Intentional Change Artists

In this dose we help coaches ground art with science. We explore a long-taught coaching theory, intentional change theory (ICT), freshly strengthened by linkage to one of psychology’s most robust theories today – self-determination theory.

Name the ubiquitous theory of coaching

While research on SDT applications in health, well-being, physical activity, emotions, mental health, and work is established, SDT has now come alive in leadership coaching....

We've come a long way, baby

Positive psychology and coaching psychology are growing up together. ...

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When your client's mind goes in circles...

What can you do when your client’s mind is stuck? Try a body scan meditation...

When your client’s mind is going in circles, take a break from the racecar mind and get into the body with a “body scan” meditation. Not only will your client calm down, his or her brain will function better.

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2018 Conference Keynote:The Heart of Coaching: Dreams, Possibilities and Sustained Change

We are told by many to focus coaching on solving the client’s problems and to take the client’s statement of their problem/s as the main context of our coaching discussions. Research reveals the opposite....

Positive Psychology Coaching in Practice

Positive Psychology Coaching in Practice provides a comprehensive overview of positive psychology coaching, bringing together the best of science and practice, highlighting current research, and emphasising the applicability of each element to coaching....

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CoachX: Julie Carrier on Mindset Science: Faster, Lasting Change

Julie Carrier reveals how to leverage the proven power of mindset science to achieve lasting change in less time.

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