‘It’s up to you’: Experimentally manipulated autonomy support for prosocial behavior improves well-being in two cultures over six weeks
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The Journal of Positive Psychology, 2015 Vol. 10, No. 5, 463–476Coaching Specialty:
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Abstract construals make the emotional rewards of prosocial behavior more salient
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The Journal of Positive Psychology, 2015 Vol. 10, No. 5, 458–462Coaching Specialty:
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Self-compassion, a better alternative to rumination than distraction as a response to negative mood
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The Journal of Positive Psychology, 2015 Vol. 10, No. 5, 447–457Coaching Specialty:
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The challenge–skill balance and antecedents of flow: A meta-analytic investigation
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The Journal of Positive Psychology, Volume 10, Issue 5, 2015, 425-446Coaching Specialty:
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Integrating psychological and cultural perspectives on virtue: The hierarchical structure of character strengths
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The Journal of Positive Psychology, Volume 10, Issue 5, 2015, 407-424Coaching Specialty:
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Implicit theories of intellectual virtues and vices: A focus on intellectual humility
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The Journal of Positive Psychology, Volume 10, Issue 5, 2015 389-406Coaching Specialty:
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The coaching ripple effect: The effects of developmental coaching on wellbeing across organisational networks
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Is courage always a virtue? Suicide, killing, and bad courage
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The Journal of Positive Psychology: Dedicated to furthering research and promoting good practice Volume 10, Issue 5, 2015 383-388Coaching Specialty:
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Books on Character Strengths
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Books on Resilience
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