
Webinar: Better Conversations: Curating Purpose, Possibilities, and Progress with the Dialogic Orientation Quadrant (DOQ)

We live in conversations. In fact, the word, conversation, itself used to mean “dwelling place” in the 14th century. We dwell in many conversations with ourselves and others; the ones we wish we had differently, the ones we hope to have....

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Recognizing and Addressing Trauma When Coaching Clients

We live in a world in which it is impossible to escape exposure to trauma. We watch as trauma plays out across the world stage with wars and the global pandemic. We see it in acts of racial violence and oppression....

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Webinar: Visual Coaching: How Coaches Can Leverage the Power of Visual Thinking

As coaches, how can we more effectively “see” what our clients are thinking and saying…and vice-versa? Well, the research shows that one of the most powerful ways of doing so is through leveraging the power of visuals thinking and visual communication....

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Webinar: Coach the Brain: how to use brain science to coach for lasting behavior change

Have you ever wondered what drives the divide between your clients who readily meet their goals and those who continue to struggle, even despite their strong intentions and readiness to change? The answer lies deep in the brain....

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Webinar: Age Diversity: Why it Matters for Coaches

It is well documented that a diverse workforce is very critical to overall performance, productivity, and profitability. Yet, there is an area of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) that is often overlooked, but extremely valuable....

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Webinar: The Grand Challenge for the Future of Coaching

A wave of enthusiasm about coaching has fueled rapid growth of the industry, but the future will be determined by the quality of the research we conduct....

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Webinar: Market Research on Technology in Coaching: What Coaches Need to Know

Many of our current and future choices about what tools we use in coaching involve new technology (tech) that take us beyond the norm of videoconferencing beefed up with digital whiteboards....

Webinar: Power Dynamics in Leadership and Coaching: A Fireside Chat with Janus Adams

In this fireside chat, IOC’s director of education, Pamela Larde, will be joined by historian and Emmy award-winning journalist, Janus Adams to discuss how imbalanced power d...

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Resilience to Thrive Coaching: A Science-to-Practice Approach

This interactive session will introduce participants to the 10 principles of the Resilience to Thrive (R2T) Coaching model/training developed and researched by ...

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Webinar: Keep it Simple: A Minimalist's Guide to Talking About Race

Unfortunately, talking intelligently about race has been overrun by academia -- folks with many degrees, a college or university platform, and publications in traditionally acclaimed journals and books....

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