In the current manuscript, we examined how calling functions among samples of involuntarily unemployed adults. In Study 1, with a large Internet-based sample, involuntarily unemployed adults were just as likely as employed adults to perceive a calling, but were significantly less likely to feel they were living a calling. In Study 2, with a sample of 144 involuntarily unemployed adults, the link between calling and coping with job loss was explored. Specifically, a structural model was tested whereby the link of calling to four coping styles was hypothesized to be mediated by motivation to pursue a calling. The model was found to be a good fit to the data. Calling motivation was a significant mediator in the link of calling to positive assessment, proactive search, and non-work organization and none of the direct paths of calling to each coping style was significant after including calling motivation in the model.
The Journal of Positive Psychology, 2015 Vol. 10, No. 4