Chains breaking into flying birds with a sunset in the background

Coaching for Emancipation

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Coaching for Emancipation
Chains breaking into flying birds with a sunset in the background

Given the long history and global prevalence of oppression, you may have wondered about coaching models for oppression. This research dose features a 2016 article on a unique study of emancipatory coaching.

Oppression happens when a social group distorts the humanity of some of its members through unjust and sometimes violent perceptions and actions. It usually targets specific groups based on gender, ethnicity, ability, age, wealth, beliefs, sexuality and other factors. At its worst, oppressed individuals suffer from a depreciating self-regard, living in a continuous state of fear and feelings of loss of control over their lives. The oppression amplifies past wounds; it generates helplessness in the present and destroys optimism for the future. Even bystanders in an oppressive environment experience a long list of psychic wounds.

Emancipatory work is founded on the belief that humanization – restoring one’s humanity and becoming fully human – is the vocation of all people. With intense training and deep reflection on the nature of oppression, coaches have the potential to help oppressed coachees process and reframe their experiences, and transform oppression into generative action and emancipation.

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  • Belmont, MA 02478
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