This study investigates whether using a selection method based on participant preference increased preference adherence or efficacy compared to an unmatched group. Undergraduate students (N¼127) participated in the study over a 4-week period. All participants randomly received completed and rated their preference for an initial positive psychology exercise. These data were used to select a second activity: participants in the matched group received a second exercise based on a previously defined matching rule whereas a comparison group
received a second exercise selected randomly from the set of unmatched exercises. Individuals preferred the matched exercise more significantly and although not statistically significant reported slightly larger boosts in well-being than those who received an unmatched exercise. No significant differences were found between the
groups for exercise adherence. Future efforts to construct treatment packages should follow this model of combining individually validated components using empirical data.
The Journal of Positive Psychology Vol. 6, No. 4, July 2011, 300–313