Effects of leader intelligence personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance

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Effects of leader intelligence personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance
The Leadership Quarterly

This study investigates the effects of intelligence personality traits and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and the effective performance of leaders in the organizational context. Data were collected from 134 midlevel managers from a large Brazilian company that operates in the energy sector. Our findings suggest that leadership effectiveness as measured by the achievement of organizational outcomes is a direct function of a leader's transformational behaviors and is an indirect function of individual differences (experience intelligence and conscientiousness) that work through transformational behaviors. A negative effect of neuroticism on leadership effectiveness was also observed. In addition while emotional intelligence seemed to be statistically related to transformational leadership if considered in isolation when ability and personality were controlled for the effect became non-significant. We discuss implications for theory research and practice.

The Leadership Quarterly Volume 23, Issue 3, June 2012, Pages 443–455

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