An examination of patience and well-being

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An examination of patience and well-being

Patience is the propensity to wait calmly in the face of frustration or adversity. The new 3-Factor Patience Scale (Study 1) measures three types of patience (interpersonal life hardship and daily hassles patience) which differentially relate to well-being and personality. In Study 2 goal pursuit and achievement mediated the relation between patience and well-being. Participants rated 10 personal goals on 15 dimensions of goal pursuit (e.g. patience enacted difficulty achievement satisfaction effort). Patience facilitated goal pursuit and satisfaction especially in the face of obstacles. In Study 3 participants took part in a training program designed to increase trait patience. The program led to increased patience decreased depression and increased positive affect relative to a control condition suggesting that patience may be modifiable.

The Journal of Positive Psychology Volume 7, Issue 4, 2012

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