Grateful to God or just plain grateful? A comparison of religious and general gratitude

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Grateful to God or just plain grateful? A comparison of religious and general gratitude


Psychological science has consistently highlighted links between gratitude and religion however mediating pathways by which religion relates to gratitude remain ambiguous. Further it is unclear whether religious gratitude (e.g. gratitude to God) is more related to well-being than general gratitude. To address these gaps we assessed for both religious and general dimensions of gratitude alongside measures of religious commitment and

mental/physical well-being in a diverse sample of

gratitude was positively correlated with religious commitment (

was fully mediated by gratitude towards God. Using hierarchical linear regression results further found that the

interaction of religious commitment and religious gratitude added unique variance in predicting mental wellbeing

over and above general gratitude. This suggests that being grateful to God enhances the psychological

benefits of gratitude in accordance with one’s level of religious commitment.

n¼405 adult individuals. Consistent with previous researchr¼0.45 p50.001). This relationship however


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