How does strong life purpose improve decision-making? ...
Marilia Fiuza discusses how to understand ego in the context of your coaching practice.
The purpose of this paper is to show the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external executive coaching....
Deborah Helsing presents on "Overturning our Immunities to Change for Optimal Health" at the Annual 2016 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare...
Haesun Moon discusses how language is used in coaching.
Nancy Glynn discusses the shifting world of the leader and the essential skills to lead wisely and effectively in complexity....
Managers and professionals across the globe have embraced Primal Leadership, affirming the importance of emotionally intelligent leadership....
The blockbuster best seller Primal Leadership introduced us to "resonant" leaders--individuals who manage their own and others' emotions in ...
This paper provides a review of the literature on coaching cultures....
The IOC is pleased to share books authored by our Fellows and Sponsors. ...
Executive coaching is often used in times of organisational change to help executives develop the psychological and behavioural skills ne...
Opening & Ellen Shub Award for Coaching for Social Good
It’s well documented that having a diverse workforce is very critical to an organization’s performance, productivity and profitability....
Advancing the science of coaching is core to the mission of the IOC. In this session, IOC directors Drs....
For 150 years behavior change has been guided by normative categories but for nearly 100 of those years we should have known that was a mistak...
Tony Grant Award for Research Excellence and Are Coaching Dogmas Holding us Back?
Day 1 Closing
Most large organizations are still bureaucratic at their core — hierarchical, authoritarian, and rule-choked....
David and Carol have pulled together years of coaching experience and identified a 4-part framework to help leaders and leadership coaches go ...
Conference 2023: Day 1 Opening
This session will take a critical look at what AI is, common misperceptions, what we actually know about using AI in coaching based on empiric...
What is the latest science revealing about character strengths interventions?...
Purpose is a hot scientific topic today in psychology....
How does strong life purpose improve decision-making? ...
Around 50% of physicians today are experiencing at least one symptom of burnout, which has emerged as a crisis in the healthcare industry....
Creating a Coaching Culture will help coaches and coaching companies to be more effective in the market place, by using an approach that works...
Tünde Erdös shows how interpersonal synchrony relates to clients’ emotional self-regulation, and how that relates to clients’ capacity to reac...
One of the challenges of the coaching world has been the co...
Exectutive Summary: Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) are increasingly recognized as vulnerable to burnout and wanting to leave ...
In an era where professionals and organizations are taking more proactive approaches to building awareness and creating psychologically safe, ...
One of the human capacities not shared by other living beings is our desire to seek and our ability to discover or construct a sense of m...
Existential Model Watch Victor Frankl's presentation on man's need for meaning:...
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