A 4-week experimental study (N = 67) examined the motivational predictors and positive emotion outcomes of regularly practi...
How are character strengths related to recovery?...
What is positive psychology? Where has it come from? Where is it going?...
Recent conceptualizations of curiosity have identified two underlying factors that together represent trait curiosity: expl...
The effect of large and small favors on gratitude was tested using a behavioral measure....
Few studies have investigated the impact of life coaching on self-regulated behavior and well-being....
What is courage? This question garners significant interest and attention but little empirical research....
College students (N = 298 54% female) described a time when they acted courageously then rated their courageous action on e...
This paper presents a new model outlining the subjective experience of courage....
Research investigating the relationship between self-construals and subjective well-being has traditionally focused on unde...
How we respond to each other in good times and bad is at the heart of human relationships....
What if midlife isn't a crisis, but a chrysalis, a time for radical transformation?...
Defining The Competencies Specific To Coaching Physicians Presentation Slide
Mental disorders are a growing crisis and are now the leading cause of disease burden and disability worldwide....
The mother-daughter relationship remains one of the most disregarded and under-researched topics, even though women’s development research rev...
Navigating the Future: The Evolution of Coaching in the Digital and AI Era Presentation Slides
A study conducted by Prof. Bob Garvey, Prof. David Clutterbuck, Dr. Alexandra Barosa-Pereira, Dr. Stephen Burt, Dr....
The application of AI in Coaching is now a reality....
Research in positive psychology predicts numerous benefits of play and playfulness including enhanced positive impact on motivation,...
Healthcare professionals are very engaged despite the extreme workload and responsibility they face day in and day out....
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