Authentic Happiness...
A national bestseller, Authentic Happiness launched the revolutionary new science of Positive Psychology—and sparked a coast-to-coast debate o...
Authentic Happiness...
These are two must-read books to get started in health and wellness coaching.
Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change...
This is a powerpoint slide presentation on the Science of Positive Psychology created by Dr. Ilona Boniwell
One of the human capacities not shared by other living beings is our desire to seek and our ability to discover or construct a sense of m...
Existential Model Watch Victor Frankl's presentation on man's need for meaning:...
2 Selected abstracts on the Performance Effects of Coaching ...
This paper outlines a cross-validation of the Cultural Orientations Framework assessment questionnaire (COF Rosinski 2007; ...
This exploratory case study explores how executive coaches across Asia adapt coaching from the conventional (essentially Western) understandin...
This paper describes a coaching supervision framework and practice and the effects of it on participants in the monthly supervision groups....
This paper sets out the argument that quite fundamental issues both theoretical and practical divide the various approaches to coaching....
The slide presentation to accompany Sunil Deshmukh's webinar, Coachin...
Over the last thirty years, Positive Psychology has gone from just an idea to a scientifically grounded discipline....
In this session Jonathan explored the changing nature of the coaching industry, drawing on work from his latest book 'The Digital & AI Coa...
Coaching for Mindfulness: Restore Autonomy and Cure Burnout Presentation Slide
The unique culture and current circumstances of healthcare require an emphasis on particular competencies for coaches who work with physicians...
In this session the speaker discusses the Why, What, and How of establishing a Coaching Culture, delving into its significance from the unique...
Presentation slide for Coaching through Change: Supporting Clients in Navigating Grief During their Career Transitions Webinar
Sensemaking is a critical leadership skill useful for comprehending changing context....
How can we create big value again with innovation?...
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