Corrigendum to “Estimating return on leadership development investment” [The Leadership Quarterly 21, (2010), 633–...
At the turn of the century the first integrative review and conceptualization of the work on e-leadership was published in The Leadership Quar...
We examined in a 3-month longitudinal study how leader behavioral integrity relates to individual follower work engagement and how that relati...
Although theory suggests a link between authentic leadership style and follower positivity and performance little empirical research exists to...
This field experimental study examined the role that positive leadership plays in producing effective leader and follower outcomes....
We advance the discussion that each leader has a moral component that can be defined as character that is distinct from values personality and...
Character is an indispensable component of leadership and its development and thus warrants future research focus....
We propose a theoretical model to examine how authentic transformational leadership influences follower individual and group ethical decision ...
In this studyweexamined themoderating influences of gender and agewith respect to testing...