One of the human capacities not shared by other living beings is our desire to seek and our ability to discover or construct a sense of m...
2 Selected abstracts on the Performance Effects of Coaching ...
This paper outlines a cross-validation of the Cultural Orientations Framework assessment questionnaire (COF Rosinski 2007; ...
This exploratory case study explores how executive coaches across Asia adapt coaching from the conventional (essentially Western) understandin...
This paper describes a coaching supervision framework and practice and the effects of it on participants in the monthly supervision groups....
This paper sets out the argument that quite fundamental issues both theoretical and practical divide the various approaches to coaching....
In this paper presented largely in the form of a dialogue I outline the mental processes required for engaging with the Con...
International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 6 No. 2 August 2008 Abstract...
This study adopts a mixed methodology case study approach in order to provide support for the call for a radical re-evaluat...