World renowned researcher Dr. Barbara Fredrickson gives you the lab-tested tools necessary to create a healthier, more...
This MasterClass aligns with the Institute of Coaching's theme: the conference that never ends....
Barbara Fredrickson presents "Love 2.0 - Brain Synchrony in Coaching Relationships" at the 2013 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conferen...
In this panel discussion at the 2013 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference, we hear personal experiences and perspectives on the cu...
Barbara Fredrickson speaks on Positivity at the 2013 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference.
A View from a Coach…...
Our MasterClass on positivity is a rich and inspiring tour of the science of positive emotions and its translation into coaching tools and pra...
Video interviews with Barbara Fredrickson PhD from the Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare offered by the Harvard Medical School and...
This article is an editorial written by Barbara Fredrickson, PhD