Join executive coach Alisa Cohn, author of the acclaimed book "From Start-up to Grown-up" as she shares ...
Coaching Without Models –The Simplicity Of Mastery Presentation Slide
As a push for innovation intensifies in many industries, the “fail fast, fail often” rhetoric ...
Masterful coaching is a fully present, connected and in-the-moment experience....
One of the fastest growing forms of coaching in organizations is group coaching....
Abstract: Mindfulness—as a state, trait, process, type of meditation, and intervention has proven to be beneficial a...
A trigger is something that causes us to act. It can be a positive trigger, e.g., praise....
The agreement between a leader's self-rating of leadership and ratings from the leader's subordinates, peers, and superiors (i.e., self-other ...
Coaching: A Process of Change...
From Susan David, IOC Director and Co-founder:...