The purpose of this paper is to describe the experiences of Taiwanese science/engineering master's students interacting with their mentors/adv...
This paper reports and discusses the findings of the UK coaching survey run in 2010/2011 and compares these findings with similar surveys with...
We propose and test a frameworkwhich suggests that the relationships between leadership styles and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB) ...
This article explores the impact of the leadership of Francisco Sá Carneiro the first leader of the Portuguese Social Democratic ...
I welcomed the opportunity to review this book, Diversity in Coaching: Working with gender, culture, race and age Jonathan Passmore, E...
Culture impacts on organizational life in a myriad of ways. Take for example the seemingly simple idea of teamwork....
Should one give up the comforts of home in exchange for more leisure opportunities or a desirable climate?...
The question of "what makes a good life" is loaded with cultural assumptions....
Adults from 27 different nations (total N = 24836) completed on-line surveys in English measuring orientations to the seeki...