This session presents new concepts of "coaching neurobiology" and epigenetics, integrated with coaching demonstrations and exercises. Le...
This article was published in Coaching World and highlights some of the latest neuroscience to help us thrive.
In this podcast, Margaret Moore, Co-Director of the Institute of Coaching, discusses her new book she co-authored with Paul Hammerness,...
This is a list of several books mentioned in the Organize Your Mind podcast presented by Margaret Moore, Co-Director
These slides are a resource for the podcast "Organize Your Mind to Thrive" with Margaret Moore, Co-Director
The IOC is pleased to share books authored by our Fellows and Sponsors. ...
Reductions in latent inhibition (LI), the capacity to screen from conscious awareness stimuli previously experienced as irrelevant, have been ...
This is chapter 5 from Shelley Carson's book, Your Creative Brain.
Joan Ryan interviews Shelley Carson at the 2011 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference on creativity and brainsets.
Neuroscience Perspectives on Coaching- An Incomplete Review by Margaret Moore and Craig Surman