This third edition of the much acclaimed Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine offers a fully up-to-date, comprehensive, acces...
2018 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference ...
Abstract: Latent profile analysis, with two large datasets, was used to identify multiple person-centered profiles a...
Today's workforce is experiencing job burnout in epidemic proportions....
This book shows how to recognize, prevent and cure burnout syndrome for nurses, teachers, counselors, doctors, therapists, police, social work...
We tested a 12-week, 6-session, phone-based coaching intervention designed to help individuals working with chronic illness manage challenges ...
Research in Progress: The proposed research project will seek to build on recent developments in coaching outcome research by...
Exectutive Summary: Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) are increasingly recognized as vulnerable to burnout and wanting to leave ...
A rapidly growing number of people experience psychological strain at their workplace....
This specialized journal has now been discontinued, but it has multiple publications in the recent period 2014-2017.