We talked with German Herrera, the US CEO of Egon Zehnder, the global search and leadersh...
How to Be an Inclusive Leader: Your Role in Creating Cultures of Belonging Where Everyone Can Thrive
This compelling and inspiring call to action for leaders at every level helps them find their role and voice in affecting societal and...
What if we could go beyond the conversation about diversity and take real action?...
Embrace Diversity and Thrive As An Organization...
If contemporary culture were a school, with all the tasks and expectations meted out by modern life as its curriculum, would anyone graduate?...
The slide presentation to accompany Adrion Porter's webinar: Age Diver...
It is well documented that a diverse workforce is very critical ...
Our second REI Lesson: Coaching REI to Professional Coaches includes valuable resources on the Signs and Symptoms of racism, Antiracism initia...
We may say we want to be inclusive, but what if we really don’t?...
Antiracism is a transformative concept that reorients and reenergizes the conversation about racism—and, even more fundamentally, points us to...