In such uncertain times, we look to our leaders, but how do you manage an organization through COVID-19—a crisis unlike any we've ever experie...
Although Covid-19 is clearly a catastrophe, it offers what every social scientist craves: a “natural experiment” that allows us to compare dif...
Research clearly indicates expressing gratitude is beneficial to our health and well-being. We’re happier when we’re grateful....
For many, the first weeks of managing a crisis feel extremely meaningful and energizing....
Looking for Light in a Dark Tunnel ...
From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to: Present Traumatic GROWTH. The term PTSD is being thrown around in ways that are not helpful....
In this video short, Eric Kaufmann shows how to use the meditation qualities of curiosity and forgiveness to facilitate leading in a time of c...
A short clip, discussing critical incident debriefing and shame tools for leaders, from Whitney Johnson and Carol Kauffman's April webinar: We...
In his book, Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World, Johansen says that leaders increasingly will face chal...
When a leader’s appeal rests on a vision alone, leadership is not whole....