These slides complement Tatiana Bachkirova and Jonathan Sibley podcast on their research findings.
This is the powerpoint slide deck that is a resource for the podcast on Moving Assessment into the 21st Century with Lew Stern, PhD
Slide Presentation of Lessons Learned From Experienced Specialist Teachers: Coaching Model Use To Improved Pedagogy.
Powerpoint Slides presented by Richard Boyatzis PhD, at the Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference 2011
Powerpoint slides from the Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference 2012 presented by Dr Robert Brooks.
From Leadership to Corporate Athlete presentation made at the Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference 2011
Neuroscience Perspectives on Coaching- An Incomplete Review by Margaret Moore and Craig Surman
Skill Acquisition of Executive Coaches: A Journey Toward Mastery Slide Presentation from the 2012 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Confer...
Powerpoint slides created by David Cooperrider PhD, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University
From the Appreciative Inquiry Commons website~ this powerpoint deck created by Michael Chandler distills AI in a very useful way...