MasterClass: Update on Motivational Interviewing in Coaching (2014)

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MasterClass: Update on Motivational Interviewing in Coaching (2014)

Welcome to our newest MasterClass on Motivational Interviewing (MI) and coaching. Motivational Interviewing is a growing field of knowledge that is based upon solid theory and practice, and that which informs coaching. The Institute of Coaching is proud to present our third MasterClass on the topic and to bring members the most recent information on MI and coaching.

This MasterClass will review the state of the literature on the effectiveness, training, and implementation of Motivational Interviewing as it relates to executive, life, health/wellness, and addiction recovery coaches. The materials, under Related Resources, include an update on Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change, 3rd Edition by Rollnick and Miller (document titled Transcription of an interview), a meta-analysis of MI and coaching, and the audio from our webinar with Dr. Michael Pantalon.

For those who are new to Motivational Interviewing, please take a look at our previously published materials on the topic:

We look forward to continuing the dialogue about Motivational Interviewing at the Institute of Coaching. We welcome you on this journey and look forward to expanding your understanding and learnings about MI and its application to coaching.

Watch as Michael Pantalon discusses Instant Influence:

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