This term, which emerged from the field of positive psychology, is defined as a positive individual psychological state of development. It is a synergistic mix of four dimensions:
What is team psychological capital?
Psychological capital is also a team phenomenon – when teams have frequent interactions, shared goals, and clear boundaries, they can develop a collective psychological state characterized by collective efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience, which is more than the total of individual characteristics.
Study conclusions
The researchers assessed the interplay of psychological capital, learning climate, and individual job satisfaction (self-report) of 82 management teams and 395 team participants in educational organizations. While the interrelationships are complex, the authors propose from the literature and their study results:
Team learning climate (fostering inquiry, openness, transparency, and trust, and valuing continuous learning) supports team psychological capital.
Team psychological capital improves employees’ job satisfaction including attitudes, behaviors, and performance.
Team psychological capital improves organizational citizenship behaviors (serving the greater good).
What’s in it for you as a coach? To help your clients …
Foster psychological capital in themselves and teams.
Foster a learning climate to further improve individual and team psychological capital.
Try applying the same principles to families!
The Journal of Positive Psychology, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2016, 303-314