We continue to offer the Research Digest to our members and associates. The Research Digest is published by the Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School affiliate and is made possible through a generous contribution by Meyler Campbell, who train business leaders to become professional executive coaches.
The Research Digest features selected papers relevant to coaching theory and research that will enhance coaching practices. Links are provided to the full articles, and in many cases the full text article is available from our resources for IOC members.
Diverse literature has been emerging on alternative, non-hierarchical conceptualizations of leadership – such as collective, network, plural, relational, distributed, shared. What is common to such understandings of leadership is that they “view leadership as a property of the collective, not the individual”. In light of this, a recent special issue of the journal Leadership Quarterly brought together several articles which explore this shift in understandings of leadership. The special issue includes articles that use different theories as a basis for such collective conceptualizations of leadership, as well as a variety of methods for studying them. All of these thought-provoking articles are available in full text to members of the Institute of Coaching; here we highlight two of them.