Abstract: The research suggests that solution-focused cognitive–behavioral (SFCB) coaching can enhance performance, reduce stress, and help build resilience. Thus, SFCB coaching may be a useful methodology for enhancing both performance and well-being while also serving as a preventative mechanism that can reduce the probability of stress-related fatigue and burnout. This article outlines the key cognitive and behavioral mechanisms of SFCB coaching and discusses their utility in this regard. Although SFCB coaching has great potential, coaches, consultants, and organizations also need a guiding framework to help orient and direct the coaching process. The 'Performance/Well-Being Matrix' consists of 2 orthogonal dimensions: (a) performance (high/low) and (b) well-being (high/low); it is presented as a simple framework that can help coaches, consultants, and organizations assess individuals and organizations and help orient them toward the quadrant of high performance and high well-being—the space of sustainable high performance. This may prove to be a useful way to help address workplace stress and move toward creating sustainable high-performing and flourishing organizational cultures.