Strategies for Enhancing Diverse Mentoring Relationships in STEM Fields

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Strategies for Enhancing Diverse Mentoring Relationships in STEM Fields
Coaching and Mentoring Journal

Developing effective opposite-race mentorships in the STEM fields may contribute to minority student retention.  Paying attention to the dynamics of race within the protégé’s professional and psychosocial growth may positively influence academic advancement and professional longevity.  The current paper will provide mentors with a suggested mentorship style and self-assessment activities to help uncover their typical broaching style when exploring racial issues with protégés.  The evaluations provided are not diagnostic; rather, the activities afford mentors a self-reflection opportunity, which should contribute to the mentor’s own growth, and could positively impact the development of a successful, cross-race mentorship.

International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2015

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