The Art of Lingering in Dialogue

Webinar: The Art of Lingering in Dialogue

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Webinar: The Art of Lingering in Dialogue
The Art of Lingering in Dialogue

Dialogue has become a central medium for building relationships and alignment between co-workers, leaders and teams. In organizations and in helping professions, dialogues are important: they shape and foster a culture grounded in fruitful interactions, reciprocal and transformative leadership.

In this highly interactive webinar, Dr. Reinhard Stelter shares his approach to “third generation” coaching, which can engender new forms of reflective and transformative meaning-making, and provide valuable reflections based on moments of symmetry among participants. The goal is to incorporate the art of lingering in coaching as a potent form of human connection—applicable in professional and life contexts.

In this rich and nuanced approach to coaching, a coachee is invited to discover his or her ethical stance and personal values that make daily and professional life (more) meaningful. Pausing and lingering, in dialogue, opens new possibilities for fundamental self-awareness and personal growth. Dialogue provides a framework for supporting agency—and action—in the world with personal integrity. Thus, the dialogue is not a quick fix technique, but a deeply nourishing conversation that helps a person discover where they stand.

His book:  The Art of Dialogue in Coaching: Towards Transformative Exchange

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