Webinar: Career Coaching for the 21st Century

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Webinar: Career Coaching for the 21st Century

Increased career mobility is a hallmark of careers in the 21st century. It is imperative that career coaching not only focus on supporting a client’s current vision, but also on developing their adaptive capacities so they can effectively navigate their evolving vision throughout their career.

In this webinar, we will explore coaching strategies and the most recent research topics related to career coaching. These include combining group and one-on-one career coaching, honoring the client’s adult development stage and personality type preferences, and the role of assessments such as the Career Adapt-Ability Scale (CAAS) associated with Career Construction theory of Mark Savickas. 

Our experiences providing career coaching for graduate students across academic disciplines will be leveraged as examples. This interactive presentation will be punctuated by data from the first two years of a 3-year study supported by a Harnisch grant from the Institute of Coaching. These data represent a rare example of an intervention strategy that significantly increases career adaptability capacities, particularly in the domains of concern and curiosity, and represents an example of combining group and one-on-one career coaching.

Presenters: Steve Wendell, PhD and Janice Manzi Sabatine, PhD, PCC
Moderator: Irina Todorova

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