Webinar: How Vision Acts as Lever for Change

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Webinar: How Vision Acts as Lever for Change
How Vision is a Lever for Change

This webinar will feature research that demonstrates how crafting a personal vision optimizes the brain for development and change.  Anchored in Intentional Change Theory, a cornerstone of vision-based coaching is the ability to help others connect core elements of their past to their dreams and aspirations, creating an image of an ideal future that fosters hope and openness to new possibilities. This image of an ideal future, along with the positive emotions it engenders, can help to overcome inertia, motivating and sustaining individuals on a path of intentional development. Through the process of visioning, a living “statement” emerges as a tangible product of the coaching process. When the vision statement is used “first and frequently,” it promotes the joyful pursuit of goals leading to lasting change.

In this webinar we:

  • Explain Intentional Change Theory (Boyatzis, 2008) with a focus on translation of theory to practice as it relates to visioning.
  • Share published and emerging research on visioning in the brain
  • Discuss best practices for working with vision in coaching

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