Many of our current and future choices about what tools we use in coaching involve new technology (tech) that take us beyond the norm of videoconferencing beefed up with digital whiteboards. The hybrid workplace and emergence of AI (artificial intelligence) in every aspect of our lives will surely impact the coaching profession and change the way we work in myriad ways.
A new and growing set of tech choices - aka #coachtech or #digitalcoaching on social media - includes tools that can enrich coaching and improve how we manage and grow our coaching practices. At the same time, developments such as coachbots and competition for market share among coaching platform businesses suggest that we need to reaffirm our value in the context of new options available to organizations and their leaders and employees at all levels.
In this session, Carol Braddick will share insights and research into the changing market landscape of coaching tech, including a curated, representative sample of digital options. The sample will not include any product endorsements. Instead, the examples will be designed to provoke our thinking as coaches with regard to how tech fits - or does not - in our coaching practices. We will also consider the implications - both promising opportunities and worrisome scenarios - for the future status of coaching and research on coaching. We will also reserve time for dialogue and questions that you may have about the impact of change in the tech landscape on your practice.