This paper presents an initial conceptualisation of relationship coaching for single people. The needs of singles are often ignored or misunderstood and this paper argues that coaching offers an effective framework for helping them form and secure sustainable life-partnerships. Relationship coaching is here portrayed as a nuanced balance between goal-focused coaching building a clear focus to create an effective action plan and developmental coaching to help the coachee identify areas of intrapersonal awareness and growth. Rather than emphasising a therapeutic role or aiming for profound inner change relationship coaching seeks to foster more adaptive relationship attitudes and skills. Developmentally relationship coaching draws most heavily on Kegan’s subject-object relations recognising that ability to reflect on experiences and be more in control of life dynamics are essential to making effective choices. The paper concludes with a model of relationship coaching to serve as a flexible guide for assisting singles through a process of discovery and action towards their achieving their aim.
International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 10, No. 2, August 2012, Page 88