Anne Ditzler

Anne Ditzler's picture

I coach people who are living their values, doing it rigorously, and ready to make their next move with purpose. For people on the cusp of a career or life transition - letting go, ramping up, or someplace in between - I help you to focus on what matters most and to ride the waves of fear and excitement with more confidence and clarity. I bring deep respect for your wisdom and resourcefulness. I'll ask questions and listen without judgement, digging deeper to both challenge and support your vision and goals.

I especially love working with:
* Advocates and activists working for social change
* Women leading in their communities, organizations, and families
* Young adults forging their careers
* Spiritual people bringing their values to work and society

My depth of experience is in the nonprofit sector with advocacy organizations, community-based groups, religious organizations, and environmental stakeholders. I have directed programs for training, education, and leadership development, and served in both internal leadership and external consultant roles. Additional skills and experience include grassroots organizing, advocacy campaigns, staff management, mentoring, fundraising, grantmaking, and board development.