Antonella Santini

Antonella Santini's picture

Antonella Santini, PCC, NBC-HWC, MSc


Antonella (PCC, NBC-HWC, MSc) is the ICF Health & Wellness Chapter of Practice Lead. She is also Duke Health and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine certified. She is an Executive & Leadership Coach for Skillsoft. In addition, she is an INLP Practitioner specialising in Neurocoaching.


She is a member of the UKIHCA Advisory Panel.


After working as a recruitment advisor for multinational companies across Europe and the US, Antonella settled in London, where she now works as a Leadership and Wellbeing Coach with her company.


Fluent in four languages, Antonella is passionate about understanding what drives human behaviour; she combines her international background and global professional experience with her desire to support people from all walks of life to enhance their mental and physical Wellbeing.