Elizabeth Patterson

Elizabeth Patterson's picture

I’m a certified leadership coach and communication strategist for women leaders, and I help nonprofit leaders effectively manage board conflict. The relationship between executive leadership and their nonprofit boards has a unique set of challenges. It is foundational to the success and growth of the organization and requires intentional work to operate and collaborate successfully. Most executive directors are managing boards while also leading teams, growing their initiatives, fundraising, and engaging their communities. When board conflict arises, it’s not only draining to the executive director but can stall or even stunt progress and mission growth. My experience in the nonprofit world set the stage for what I do today. I’ve walked the same tightrope and encountered the same double-binds. That’s why my work focuses on helping women leaders navigate board conflict by mastering hard conversations, managing difficult personalities, and speaking assertively with confidence and ease. I help nonprofit executive directors build collaborative partnerships with their boards so they can expand their missions, raise more revenue, and make a bigger impact through their work.