Irina Todorova

Irina Todorova's picture

Irina Todorova, PhD

Scientific Advisor

Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital

Faculty, Harvard Medical School

[email protected]

Todorova is Scientific Advisor at the IOC.  She is a health psychologist with extensive research and teaching experience in psychological and social aspects of human development, health, well-being and health inequalities. Her research interests include migration and health, burnout in health professionals, health promotion interventions, experiences of health and illness, and qualitative/narrative health psychology. Todorova is a member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the IOC, which makes decisions on grants awarded by the Institute and about submissions to the Annual Coaching in Healthcare and Leadership Conference organized by Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital and the IOC. She is certified in coaching from the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology (now William James College).

Todorova is Clinical Professor at the Department of Applied Psychology, Northeastern University. She teaches courses in health psychology, health promotion, gender and health and qualitative and mixed research methods. She is Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) and was previously President of this society, as well as Co-chair of the Scientific Committee of the 33rd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Croatia 2019. She is on the editorial board for Psychology & Health. She has been guest editor of several special issues, most recently the Special Issue on Advanced Methods in HPBM; and the Special Section on “Women’s Reproductive Health in a Cultural Context”, in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine (2017). With co-authors she is the recipient of the Virginia and Warren Stone book prize for Suárez-Orozco, C., Suárez-Orozco, M. & Todorova, I. (2008). Learning a New Land: The Experience of Newcomer Immigrant Youth. Harvard University Press.

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