Susanne May

Susanne May's picture

Susanne May is founder and CEO of MayCoach & Company. Since its inception in 2007, this premiere executive coaching and education firm has grown to become a world-renowned enterprise with more than 150 associates in 41 global markets. Susanne and her associates have coached numerous CEOs, VPs and other senior executives, consultants and directors of multi-national corporations and specializes in developing the brightest talent from the best business schools worldwide. MayCoach & Company services leading government organizations, universities, NGOs, and multi-national corporations with her executive programs in Leadership Development, Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Cultural Renewal. The MayCoach & Company client list includes Daimler Group, Deutsche Telekom, Haniel Group, The World Economic Forum, The World Bank Group, The World Health Organization, Accenture among others.

Before working as an executive coach and program facilitator, Susanne gained over 15 years of experience in a wide range of disciplines including corporate strategy, credit risk management, market development and complex project management in global consulting and facilitation. She performed integral functions within the DaimlerChrysler Corporation as member of the Financial Services Board executive team and later as Senior Manager of Corporate Strategy, where she interfaced with all levels of the organization as a consultant and liaison to intermediate global entities. She led critical organizational transitions such as the global management of Shared Services, the introduction of BASEL II and Sarbanes-Oxley, the creation of an automotive financial services company set up in China and several M&A initiatives in Asia-Pacific and Europe.

Susanne graduated from the prestigious University of Constance in Germany with a Masters in International Relations and Political Economy and Management with concentrations in Systems Theory and Organizational Behavior. Her credentials include:

• Zappos Culture and Coaching Camp, Las Vegas, USA

• Design Thinking, HPI – School of Design Thinking, Potsdam, Germany

• Innovators’ DNA – Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators, Harvard/Wharton/INSEAD, USA

• Columbia Coaching Certification Program, Columbia Business School, USA

• Systemic Consultancy & Change Certification, Neuwaldegg, Austria

• ComTeam Facilitation Training, ComTeam, Germany

• Transactional Analysis (101), Odenwald Institute, Germany

• Hogan Leadership Suite & Leadership Versatility Index, 3 Minute Mile, UK

• MBTI Step I & II and Firo-B, OPP, UK

• Talent Q, Hay Group, Germany

• Intercultural Readiness Check, IBI, Netherlands

• Good knowledge of Denison Surveys and Lominger Voices


Speaking Topics

• Innovation & Entrepreneurship

• Collaboration

• Organizational Change and Renewal

• Transitioning into C-Suite

• Power and Influence

Committed to evidenced based coaching MayCoach & Company is proud to be the first German company to sponsor the Institute of Coaching at the silver level.