Coach Vikram Kalloo is a STAR maker! He creates that STAR leader in you so that you develop powerful executive presence, stand out, and build market dominance in just 21 hours. He applies the latest in neuroscience to your leadership skills so when you walk people notice; when you speak, people listen; when you lead, people follow! His upcoming book is `Executive Presence- Secret Code of Star Leaders`.
Leaders of Fortune 500 companies in Asia and Europe have cracked into senior leadership roles using Vikram’s innovative model of executive presence - which is designed around Behaviors of Focus, Power, and Warmth. He has extensively researched the science of executive presence and continuously studies the behaviors of global leaders and superstars. It is with this specialized background that he offers an intensive feedback to helps you project a commanding STAR presence in just 21 coaching hours!
As a subject matter expert on Executive Presence, Vikram uses peak performance techniques varying from Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Sports Conditioning, to Hollywood Method Acting. Vikram`s knowledge sharing process is unique. He works on performance results. This means he gets paid ONLY if his clients achieve positive and lasting change in agreed-upon behavior.
He is a lawyer, a mindfulness coach, a positive psychologist. He works between London and Mumbai. You can read about his specialized work in the space of executive presence and executive coaching at