The IOC is pleased to share books authored by our Fellows and Sponsors.
Die Kunst seine Berufung zu finden
(The art of finding your vocation)
Scherz Verlag March 2005
About the book:
There is nothing that we spend more productive time on than our work. Doesn’t that make it especially important to be doing the right thing? Wouldn’t it be nice to find your true calling? To find "what you were born to do" what really suits you what makes sense and makes you content and fulfilled?
But what is that? How do you find your vocation? And when you have found it what happens next?
Some people might wonder whether that’s not a huge luxury. What makes you think you can expect more from your career than a well-paid job – particularly at a time where lots of people are losing their jobs? Petra Bock shows that specially nowadays it is more important than ever to find your own inner compass and set your own standards for personal achievement and a successful professional life. The author shows that the idea of a vocation is more than mere self-fulfillment. It is part of the idea of an existence that is tied up with other people: an age-old dream of a happy and meaningful life which is deeply rooted in our culture.
"Die Kunst seine Berufung zu finden" tells the story of many people in today’s world and historical personalities who set off in search of their vocation. The book provides valuable hints on how you yourself can embark on this search and make it triumphant. Petra Bock knows what she is writing about. She herself transformed an existence as a functioning "career woman" into a truly successful life. Now she understands success to mean: quality of life plus personal development.
"Die Kunst seine Berufung zu finden" is the right reading to find your own professional and private vision. It provides food for thought and encouragement to take the step towards an authentic and self-determined professional life. The book is a plea to take your own life seriously and to finally recognize your true interests needs and talents and to make these a reality.