CoachX Conversations: Ayse Birsel on How to Be An Optimist When Faced With Problems

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CoachX Conversations: Ayse Birsel on How to Be An Optimist When Faced With Problems

What happens when we are faced with a serious business problem or challenge? Do we let fear paralyze us and descend into pessimism? Or do we choose to be optimists by seeing each challenge as an opportunity, and how do we do that? In a creative demonstration of the power of design, Ayse (Eye-shay) Birsel shows how successful leaders can turn pessimism into optimism using accessible design tools we can all use.

Leveraging her expertise in designing everything from concept cars to toilets to office systems, Birsel explains why we need to love problems. Empathy, Open Mind, Play, Collaboration, and Holistic Thinking are tools we can use to go from problem state to ideation space.

Giving insights from some of the top business leaders and best brands in the world, Birsel describes the case for developing optimistic leaders who mobilize their teams with the energy and courage of new and innovative ideas.

Ayse (pronounced Eye-Shay) Birsel is one of the world’s leading industrial designers; her work can be found in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).  She has helped thousands of people across the globe transform their lives by teaching them how to solve life’s problems using design, which has earned her the nickname Design Evangelista. Her goal is to improve 10 Million lives through her movement, Design the Life You Love. She is one of the Most Creative People In Business, according to Fast Company. She is recognized as "#1 Coach for Life Design,” by Marshall Goldsmith 100Coaches. Ayse coaches individuals, entrepreneurs, corporations, and communities on how to design their life and work through her training programs, workshops, and keynotes. Her new book, Design the LONG Life You Love, was published in December of 2022. 

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