Photo of Dan Fisher and Steve Garcia

Webinar: Coaching Leaders On What It Takes To Lead In Today’s Volatile And Complex World

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Webinar: Coaching Leaders On What It Takes To Lead In Today’s Volatile And Complex World
Photo of Dan Fisher and Steve Garcia

In your executive coaching practice, you most likely keep hearing versions of the same story: the practices and frameworks that our clients learned in business school or from mentors no longer work. Many leaders are frustrated and anxious, wondering why they can’t get their organizations to respond and execute as they once did. Their strategic plans keep getting upended by unforeseen circumstances. They conduct detailed analyses, build consensus, and execute accordingly, only to be disappointed by the results. In surveys, a third of these executives say they’re extremely burnt out.

Leaders need assistance at a foundational level. To succeed in volatile times, they must first understand why their traditional approach—with its top-down hierarchy, annual planning cycle, and cascading execution—no longer works. With an understanding of what’s broken, leaders are better equipped to address root causes. They can select the appropriate adaptive leadership practices, combine them to create positive feedback loops, and apply them in the real-world context of their own organization.

Pulling on research and client stories in their soon to be published book by Wiley: The End of Leadership As We Know It: What It Takes To Lead In Today’s Volatile and Complex World, Dr. Steve Garcia and Dr. Dan Fisher will review the ten classic traps that our clients are at risk of falling into and how you as a coach can assist these leaders with adopting more adaptive practices.


  • Strengthen understanding of underlying causes of contemporary organizational struggles
  • Identify traps that clients can easily fall into and derail team and organizational efforts
  • Incorporate adaptive mindset shifts that enable clients to avoid these traps and achieve their objectives

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